Wednesday, August 22, 2007

SFI Pamphlet dated 21st Aug '07




The student community is still waiting for answers as to what are the reasons for the double standards of AISA and DSU and their ever changing positions on the incident of 19th February. In just six months their position has changed diametrically from glorification of the gherao to an abject surrender in front of the administration. What is more shameful is the fact that the inspiration for such betrayal and backstabbing of the student community’s mandate came from the even more radical JNUSU General Secretary from AISA, who was the first among 11 students to get his punishment waived off by secretly submitting an appeal expressing regret which has not been made public till today. Thoroughly demoralized by the abject surrender of its own activists along with the radical than thou revolutionaries of DSU, the AISA has been indulging in baseless slander against the SFI and the JNUSU President.

This audacity reached unacceptable limits when AISA’s pamphlet dated 18/08/07 alleged that the JNUSU President had submitted a letter of appeal on 16/08/07. The pamphlet says, “…so the administration took its precautionary pound of flesh – and got its ‘letter of appeal’ from the JNUSU President on August 16.” The JNUSU President has challenged both the AISA and JNU administration to make any such letter public which was submitted on the 16th of August. He has demanded that if the AISA can not substantiate this baseless slander then it must tender a written apology or else he shall be forced to file a defamation suit against the AISA. If the AISA leadership fail to produce the letter or do not tender an apology for such deliberate attempts to malign the office of JNUSU President, they would have to face the consequences in terms of legal action. However such acts reaffirm the questions that are looming large over the kind of politics which the ultra left especially AISA stands for in our campus in the name of a “radical alternative”.

1.The only defense of AISA offered so far for its baseless slander against the JNUSU President is that it has 'relied' on the statement of the Chief Proctor given to The Hindu. By relying on the Administration to slander the JNUSU President proves beyond doubt that the AISA's
political bankruptcy has reached towering heights where it is meekly surrendering before the Administration, while using the statements of the Administration to attack the democratically elected JNUSU President. So much for their commitment to democracy and the elected
representatives of the students. The baseless attack by the AISA on the JNUSU President is nothing but an attempt to malign the office of JNUSU President in utter desperation to hide their own inherent political contradictions which has resulted in a situation where the
JNUSU General Secretary who in the last semester was crying hoarse not to give regret (in the UGBM) to prove his revolutionary credentials, have now gone overboard to produce regret letters to the Administration, again to prove his so called 'revolutionary' credentials.

2.It is indeed ironic that the AISA is finding so much confidence on the statement of the Chief Proctor. It is the same Chief Proctor’s office who had suspended Rajan Pandey, the Jt Secy of AISA JNU unit for indulging in violence against a YFE activist. AISA had accused the dministration of acting in favour of the right wing and the YFE. But when it comes to a statement against the JNUSU President by the ame Administration, the AISA clings on to it, as if those were the only truths in the world, again proving AISA's political bankruptcy and ontradictions. Moreover, while writing fiery pamphlets defending the criminal act of Rajan Pandey, the AISA as yet has not taken any agitational course of action against the Proctor's office for suspending him. This proves beyond doubt that the AISA has become a tooge of the Administration, where it will meekly give regret letters to them, use every motivated statement of the Administration to attack the JNUSU President, but will not launch an agitation against the Chief Proctor, who according to them is victimizing their own activist. Shame on AISA's hypocrisy and bankruptcy!!

3. How could the JNUSU President fight for revocation of fines on the other rusticated students if they themselves were too willing to submit the fines and get their punishment revoked? And why did the JNUSU General Secretary and the Vice President not do anything about this matter rather than convincing everybody to pay the fines when the JNUSU President and Jt Secy had not got their registrations because of their Principled position of not giving appeals or paying any fine.

4. Acting in the most shameless fashion the AISA has said that the struggle against the denial of registration to the JNUSU President and Jt Secretary was based on a “selfish motive of protecting the skin of SFI leaders”. This completely reveals the ideological bankruptcy and lack of any commitment whatsoever towards the institution of JNUSU by the AISA. It also makes clear as to what was AISA’s real motive ehind not joining the struggle against the unjust punishments imposed on the JNUSU President and the Jt Secretary. Both the AISA and the administration wanted to settle their scores with the SFI by ensuring that registrations were denied to the JNUSU President and the Jt Secretary.
It is more than obvious that in order to hide their utterly contradictory and opportunist positions, the AISA is launching a complete slander campaign against the JNUSU President. But by doing such a baseless campaign against the JNUSU President, the AISA is taking the consciousness of the student community for granted. WE appeal to the members and sympathizers of AISA to see through the disruptive and complete unprincipled politics that their leadership is indulging in. We once again challenge the AISA to produce the so called letter submitted by the JNUSU President and appeal to the student community to give a fitting rebuff to these traitors and saboteurs of the JNU student movement.

Sd/- Roshan, President, SFI-JNU.
Sd/- Rajiv, Secretary SFI-JNU.

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